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Antigone analysis essay

Antigone analysis essay

antigone analysis essay

An Analysis of Antigone by Sophocles The classical play, Antigone, by Greek playwright Sophocles is a testament to issues of morality that have plagued leaders throughout time. In his play, Sophocles comments on issues of death, revenge, kinship, and even remorse 11/10/ · Antigone braves through all her hardships and decisions together with her morals and set of values. She died with pride and she had no regret what so ever in what she did. Antigone is clearly a tragic heroine, and she believes that family is vital and that they come blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Antigone is a Tragic Story Antigone is a tragic story that shows when a human makes laws that do not emulate Divine ones, there will be suffering. Antigone is the protagonist who believes that it is better to disobey a law from the king than to disobey a principle

Analysis of Antigone by Sophocles - Free Essay Example |

Sophocles, one of the three ancient Greek tragedians whose plays have survived, created the main character, Antigone, as a civil disobedience. The play embellishes the opposing conflicts between Antigone who stands for the values of family, and Creon who stands for the values of the state.

It includes terms that are demonstrated throughout the Discovering Literature textbook. Antigone is one of the great Greek Tragedies remembered today, and it contains an important message to readers. Throughout Antigone, many literary devices such as plot, foreshadowing, and allusion are used to enhance the play. Plot is the chain of events in fiction or drama. Antigone begins with the death of her two brothers, Polyneices and Eteocles.

The two men fought for authority over Thebes. However, they each lost their lives in the struggle for power, antigone analysis essay. Antigone analysis essay sentences Antigone to death. However, he has a change of heart after speaking with a prophet. Creon decides to let Antigone go, but it is antigone analysis essay late when he finds her. Creon is left to grieve alone. Foreshadowing occurs when the playwright gives a hint pointing forward to a future development.

In Antigone, foreshadowing is shown right off the bat. Creon tells the people that for a leader to really be known, they must be tested. As the audience, antigone analysis essay, we know that Antigone has already planned to bury her brother, Polyneices. This will test Creon as the leader of Thebes. Another example of foreshadowing is shown in the Prologue of Antigone. Here, Antigone foreshadows her own death in a conversation with her sister, Ismene, antigone analysis essay.

Antigone welcomes death by stating she would rather risk her life and die with honor. Antigone wants to do the right thing for her brother. She tells Ismene that when she completes the task of burying Polyneices, she will openly welcome death. The final literary device is allusions.

At the end of the play, Creon is unable to save Antigone, antigone analysis essay, his son, and his wife. An allusion is made to the goddess Nemesis, the goddess of punishment and resentment.

Creon is left with nothing, due to antigone analysis essay harsh punishment towards Antigone. Creon, himself, is punished for his actions, and he finally admits to his wrong doings and acknowledges his faults. Another allusion is made when Antigone is sent to captivity in a antigone analysis essay. The chorus alludes to the goddess Danae.

Danae was locked away in a tower by antigone analysis essay father when prophecy stated her son would kill him. Both Antigone and Danae were summoned to captivity.

Antigone is considered one of the most famous tragedies ever written. The play fits into the category of Greek Tragedy. Greek Tragedy is one of the more unique categories in drama.

The tragedy contains a plot, a tragic hero, theme, diction, a chorus, and spectacles. Sophocles used these six characteristics when creating Antigone. One of the more noticeable characteristics is the chorus. The chorus is introduced to the audience near the beginning of the play.

The chorus comes in celebrating the recent victory in Thebes. Here, the chorus provides background information about the scene. It is clear to the audience that Thebes has just won a battle. In Greek Tragedies, the purpose of the chorus is to describe the background information about a scene, and help the audience follow along with the play.

In Antigone, the chorus does just that. Another important characteristic contained in Antigone is the use of a tragic hero. Throughout the play, antigone analysis essay, Antigone displays herself as the tragic hero in a variety of ways. In the play, Antigone is pure in the eyes of others. However, she is guilty in the eyes of Creon. Antigone is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, death, to do what she considers an honorable act towards her brother. Antigone receives sympathy because she chooses to stand alone.

In Greek Tragedy, the tragic hero is the character who has heroic traits, but often has flaws or make mistakes that lead antigone analysis essay their own downfall. Although Antigone may be difficult to understand, I believe it contains many important lessons that others should read.

I first became familiar with Antigone my sophomore year of high school, when I read it in English class. At first, I honestly was not interested in the play because I had a difficult time comprehending what was happening.

However, after completely dissecting the play in class, everything was put into perspective for me. However, I believe he got what he deserved in the end. A reoccurring theme in Antigone is how power both corrupts and blinds the characters in the play.

Creon is the most evident example of this theme. Antigone embodies the characteristics of a Greek Tragedy and contains important terms from our Discovering Antigone analysis essay textbook. Antigone also contains a memorable lesson readers should take away from antigone analysis essay play.

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Antigone Analysis

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Antigone Essays | GradeSaver

antigone analysis essay

An Analysis of Antigone by Sophocles The classical play, Antigone, by Greek playwright Sophocles is a testament to issues of morality that have plagued leaders throughout time. In his play, Sophocles comments on issues of death, revenge, kinship, and even remorse Antigone Character Analysis Essay Words3 Pages In Antigone, Antigone braves through all of her hardships and decisions with her morals and set of values. She dies with pride and no regret for she died because she acted doing what was morally right 7/2/ · Analysis of Antigone by Sophocles Sophocles, one of the three ancient Greek tragedians whose plays have survived, created the main character, Antigone, as a civil disobedience. The play embellishes the opposing conflicts between Antigone who stands for the values of family, and Creon who stands for the values of the state/5(45)

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