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As you like it belonging essay

As you like it belonging essay

as you like it belonging essay

 · As You Like It BELONGING Essay NOTE: This is a legacy resource migrated from an old version of BoredOfStudies. Original Uploader: Anonymous One aspect of belonging, which can also be tightly related to as you like, is that of belonging can be created through relationships. In both texts we see pivotal characters growing in confidence and belonging not only to society but to ones self, this is seen in the relationship between Craig and Noelle, from this relationships Craig gains a ‘Belonging’ Essay To a certain extent the different groups we belong to define who we are, however there are times when a certain group can separate you from belonging. Being accepted within a group defines who you are as you share similar qualities and morals, making it easier to be socially accepted and create relationships

As You Like It Belonging Essay 1 | FreebookSummary

The play, poem and painting were constructed by completely different composers with completely different contexts, and this fact alone shows us that belonging is universal and will always play an important role in human life.

The relevance of his theory to our modern world is astounding; his interpretations of the human condition remain fundamentally helpful in understanding social behaviours. The play is a pastoral comedy because it idealises nature and rural life but also mocks the simple life within the Forest. It provides a place of healing where true identities can be found. The structure of AYLI allows Shakespeare to use the juxtaposition of acts and scenes to emphasize the contrasts between the two settings; the Court and the Forest of Arden which in turn explores the ambiguity of belonging.

In Act 1 the play is set in various parts of the Court. The Elizabethan chain of being is disturbed by the usurpation of Duke Senior. Already we are given the idea that the Court is an unnatural place where it is difficult for people to belong. Rosalind also has the self-esteem to be able to embrace the Forest of Arden. She is enlightened in the idea that she can disguise herself, another typical convention of the pastoral comedy, as you like it belonging essay, as a male, Ganymede, as you like it belonging essay, as a form of protection in the forest.

Shakespeare explores the disconnection and disloyalty of families due to greed for power and depicts the absence of belonging which can lead to loneliness. The poem is rich in praise but reveals the difference and distance between Peter and his father As you like it belonging essay. It also informs the reader that the poem is in first as you like it belonging essay giving the poem an authentic and deeply personal tone.

Cultural belonging is explored through the first stanza, showing how Feliks is disconnected from Australia, but belongs to his garden because it not only reminds him of his previous life within Europe, it makes him feel at home.

The use of as you like it belonging essay language demonstrates the connection between Feliks and his garden. A sense of cultural belonging is evident in the third stanza through the maintenance of a connection with his Polish culture through friendship. Here Peter feels embarrassment and clearly does not feel comfortable. Skrzynecki effectively explores belonging and demonstrates that belonging leads to acceptance, comfort and happiness, as you like it belonging essay.

Similarly to the way Feliks finds comfort in his garden, the characters in AYLI find the natural environment of the Forest a healing and therapeutic place. Shakespeare juxtaposes Act 2 with Act 1 to show the differences between the Court and the Forest of Arden. Immediately the composer creates imagery of the Forest and a metaphor describing the forest as a peaceful and intellectual place that is good in every way. We are informed that the forest is a natural place with very different values than the Court and is a place to which Duke Senior instantly connects, as you like it belonging essay.

The dialogue between the characters in this part of the play is as you like it belonging essay prose, which seems more down to earth, casual and comfortable, highlighting the relations between and the simple life of the forest dwellers. Orlando in AYLI is a character who longs to belong because he sets off to the forest at his own will to seek a sense of belonging. When Orlando reaches the Forest he adopts the style of the pastoral poet-lover; speaking rhymes and writing poems to Rosalind.

Shakespeare is mocking conventional love but is also showing us that Orlando can be his true self in the Forest, something that he could not do while in the Court. The marriages at the end of the play symbolise restoration to a state where all belong in their true place in the natural order. Shakespeare has deliberately used the setting of the Forest to show that this is the place where belonging can be found.

Every character who had their belonging disturbed in Act 1, in the Court, was able to regain a sense of belonging in the Forest. Shakespeare successfully communicates a sense of belonging through the juxtaposition of settings, structure and the drive and motivations of the characters in their pursuit of happiness, security and self-esteem.

Further to this argument, the painting Nighthawks by Edward Hopper shows us that a lack of belonging can lead to isolation and loneliness.

Nighthawks was painted shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbour to reflect the depression and isolation that was common at this time. The vector of the painting is the lady in the red dress, which grabs our attention, and directs our line of sight to the objects and people surrounding her. We notice that the people are distant, the diner seems to be uncomfortable and the vast open space towards the left side of the picture cynically depicts the loneliness and existential angst of the big city.

The distance between the people in the painting also shows the lack of belonging and security. The long shot of the diner and street distances us from the painting which adds to the sense of emptiness.

While the street is dark, and the diner in contrast is brightly lit, the light seems cold and unwelcoming and signifies that the people inside are exposed and vulnerable. Although the man behind the counter seems to be captive, he is in fact free, he has a job from which as you like it belonging essay can come and go.

However it is only the absence of belonging that has caused this cynical behaviour and deep down it is the longing to belong that brings them to this diner. The man and woman sitting with each other appear to be a couple, however their contrasting body language conveys something different. Their hands are close, but not together, the man stares into space and the lady appears to be staring at the cigarette in her hand.

The solitary man on the other side of the bar juxtaposes against this. It is difficult to say exactly what he is doing and even more to say how he is feeling. The painting has had significant influences in popular culture featuring in various other forms such as the movie Blade Runner. It is used to depict times of sadness and loneliness which clearly reveal that the painting is about not belonging and shows that the absence of belonging leads to loneliness and unhappiness, as you like it belonging essay.

Each text represents a different perception of belonging that is important but it is the links between texts that reveal the nature and importance of belonging. Rosalind and Feliks are alike because they both find their own happiness, and thus a sense of belonging. Rosalind embraces the fate of going to the forest and creates happiness by disguising herself as a male and Feliks creates a sense of belonging through the maintenance of his garden beds that give him satisfaction.

The bartender in Nighthawks can also be compared to Feliks because they are both seen to be very content men; the bartender has a job that he can come and go from as he pleases and Feliks is happy in his own surroundings, as you like it belonging essay. Composers choose different mediums to create their work, each with specific characteristics that aid them in achieving their purpose.

Edward Hopper successfully created a symbol for the antithesis of belonging in his painting Nighthawks, evoking a strong sense of not as you like it belonging essay through his manipulation of medium, colour, framing, chiaroscuro and the positioning of characters and their body language, proving that without belonging we feel isolated and discomfort.

The relevance of the perceptions and ideas of belonging in these texts is astonishing; the composers have raised issues that we are all able to understand and relate to, they create an emotional response within us, allowing us to understand the as you like it belonging essay inside of us to belong and that it has always been and always will be a part of human life at the heart of our soul.

Without belonging we feel discomfort, insecurity and isolation but once we achieve a sense of belonging we are offered happiness, security and acceptance, as you like it belonging essay. By analysing numerous texts by different composers we broaden our understanding of ourselves, others and the world around us because we understand that each and every person has different values that explain why they belong or do not belong.

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'As you like it' by William Shakespeare plot, characters \u0026 themes. *REVISION GUIDE*

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Belonging. As You Like It. Essay

as you like it belonging essay

In Shakespeare’s As You Like It we witness the paradoxical nature of belonging-that one can find inclusion through the state of exclusion. Duke Senior highlights the shared community that has been formed in the Forest of Arden as a result of exclusion through his use of inclusive personal pronoun and repetition of bonding nouns, “Now my co-mates and brothers.”  · Area Of Study Essay structure. Blog. April 9, 6 virtual presentation tools that’ll engage your audience ‘Belonging’ Essay To a certain extent the different groups we belong to define who we are, however there are times when a certain group can separate you from belonging. Being accepted within a group defines who you are as you share similar qualities and morals, making it easier to be socially accepted and create relationships

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