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Discourse community essay example

Discourse community essay example

discourse community essay example

Example Of Discourse Community Words | 6 Pages to aid you in these emotions, by having plenty of discourse communities you can join, or even offering you the opportunity to create your own. As quoted by Herzberg in The Concept of Discourse Community, “the idea of a “discourse community” is not well defined yet” () Discourse Community Analysis Essay example Words | 7 Pages. The Journey of A Successful Soccer Player In order to be accepted into a discourse community, a person must learn typical ways people in that community communicate and argue. In this paper I will prove that I entered the discourse community of my high school soccer team by Discourse community Essay Example. If a batter gets hit by a pitch when the pitcher pitches it, she gets to go straight to first base. If the ball is hit outside of the white chalk, it is a foul. If the batter has two strikes and she decides to bunt the third strike and it goes foul, she will get called out. When sprinting to first base, if I Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins

Discourse community Free Essay Sample

In ENGLthese past two weeks have given me a better understanding of ethos, logos and pathos appeals. Being in a discourse community has made me put these appeals into perspective. Understanding that being in that community made me a stronger woman. This will give me a chance to show you, my professor and classmates that softball is indeed a sport. I will prove why I attended this discourse community in softball at a young age to now by explaining the mental state of understanding the rules, the physical mechanisms, and discourse community essay example emotional connection it has on my authority, team and myself.

Having good comprehension skills helps understanding the rules very easy. I was first introduced to softball at the age of seven. My initial step in playing softball was discourse community essay example learn the rules and imply them to the game.

As a seven year old, I was introduced to some of the most important rules. A rule of safety I was told was a batter is not allowed to throw her bat after she hits the ball because it will be called an out. Throwing the bat is illegal because it can injure someone. When batting, the batter is allowed three strikes for a strikeout and four balls as a walk. If a batter gets hit by a pitch when the pitcher pitches it, she gets to go straight to first base. If the ball is discourse community essay example outside of the white chalk, it is a foul.

If the batter has two strikes and she decides to bunt the third strike and it goes foul, she will get called out. Runners may overrun first base only, all other bases the runner may be tagged and called out if they are off the base. One base runner cannot pass another base runner that is ahead of them, discourse community essay example.

Although the rules are printed in black and white, discourse community essay example, learning the physical aspects of softball was very challenging.

Being an athletic person allowed me to catch on quickly. Everyone else on the team had already experienced softball two or three years before me. First I learned to catch, which was probably the hardest thing for me.

It seemed like the ball was moving a miles per hour aiming straight towards my face even though it was coming miles per hour. When catching the ball, the thrower has to aim straight for my chest; which is where I should want to target my glove. Hitting from a tee is effortless because there is more concentration on the ball. Than a coach may soft toss it. Soon after, the coach started the pitching machine.

I know I did. Hitting off the pitching machine and having discourse community essay example toss is very accommodating. Utilizing the tee is probably the best thing to use overall. It allows the batter to focus on using proper mechanics. The last entity I learned was to throw. Throwing is not as problematic for a right handed person as it is for left handed person.

I honestly feel that right handed people has a better advantage than left handed people. A left handed person has to cross their body to throw to a right handed person. Make sure my body is sideways, elbow and wrist is pointed back, and discourse community essay example glove is pointed toward the person I am throwing to, discourse community essay example. This will allow discourse community essay example ball to line up with their chest.

Once the ball is thrown, finish my throw with my bellybutton facing the target; weight forward, and nose over my toe. Like I stated earlier, learning the basics is not that inflexible. Consuming an emotional connection towards the coaches and teammates had a massive impact on me. My senior year in high school coming in as a second team all-district pitcher, most valuable player from my freshman and sophomore year and honorable mention my junior year, it was an emotional roller coaster.

I was pumped up the entire fall anxiously waiting for spring to get here to break more records but little did I know that a dramatic turn was about to happen, discourse community essay example. My team was very close. We went to church together every Sunday, had Wednesday mornings off from work outs to study with each other, Wednesday evenings off if we wanted to go to church, ate together at lunch, prayed before each game, and had weekly reports with our coach about grades.

It was the fourth game in district and I was rounding third base heading home when my legs started feeling funny. When I touched home plate, my foot slipped and twisted my knee.

That was probably the most excruciating pain I ever felt in my life. After I tore my ACL and had surgery, it was a major impact on them. When I came back from my surgery, I made sure to remain at every game, discourse community essay example. What supposed to tear us apart should only bring us together.

When one falls, we all fall. Softball was a place in my heart that I called home and my team did too. It took time to put the pieces back together but at the end of the day, the team finally became closer together than ever. Why would they think that? They even decided to take out softball in the Olympics. Even though, it is not very known, the percentage is growing not only in America but nationwide.

For example, in USA competed against Japan and lost the series I feel that in the end, they will regret their decision on taking away softball and will soon bring it back. As I conclude, softball is becoming an ordinary sport that people will soon love.

It took years to understand, and perfect the game of softball but I finally did it. Not only do I feel that I deserve to be in that discourse community but my team did as well. Having the rules understood, the mechanics perfected, and the emotional strength I proclaimed proves softball is a great discourse community. Understanding the rules logically gives specific facts about the game. Perfecting the mechanics showed my credibility of softball. The emotional connection made me someone that the team can look up to.

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Discourse Communities

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Discourse Community Essay | Bartleby

discourse community essay example

Discourse community Essay Example. If a batter gets hit by a pitch when the pitcher pitches it, she gets to go straight to first base. If the ball is hit outside of the white chalk, it is a foul. If the batter has two strikes and she decides to bunt the third strike and it goes foul, she will get called out. When sprinting to first base, if I Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Discourse Community Analysis Essay example Words | 7 Pages. The Journey of A Successful Soccer Player In order to be accepted into a discourse community, a person must learn typical ways people in that community communicate and argue. In this paper I will prove that I entered the discourse community of my high school soccer team by However, the majority of people do not even know what a discourse community is. A discourse community can consist of any of the following including, but not limited to, particular academic fields, religious organizations, and hobby groups. Discourse communities have the power to influence and shape the way many individuals think and behave. The particular discourse community

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