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Essay on gang violence

Essay on gang violence

essay on gang violence

Feb 11,  · Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Gang Violence — The Problem of Children’s Membership in Street Gangs This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers Essay On Gang Violence. In society today, there is a major problem We live in a society where gangs are taking over our neighborhoods in numbers. It is the responsibility of the individuals to part take in getting their neighborhoods back under control. Gangs are becoming a growing problem in American society Jul 10,  · One of the most important things to take note of when analyzing gang violence all over the world is the difference between a gang member and a non-gang member. The difference is very drastic as well as obvious to most people. Gang members are always more aggressive and violent in comparison to normal every-day people

Essays on Gang Violence. Essay topics and examples of research paper about Gang Violence

Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Gang Violence — Influence of Gang Violence on Society. Gang violence is a huge problem that exists today in many parts of the United States, as well as the rest of the world. Most of us have heard of gangs such as the Bloods and the Crips, which are primarily African American gangs that have gained a large following in the United States.

This large following combined with the amount of violence these gangs take part in, has resulted in a lot of national public attention. However, the Bloods and the Crips are not the only gangs operating in modern society all across the country, there are others as well. All of these gangs consist of members who take pride in their drug-slinging and violent behaviors.

This kind of influence is disastrous for kids as they look up to these adults as role models. A huge part of looking at gang violence from the viewpoint of a social worker is the effect it has on the youth community. More and more kids today are participating in gang activity. These kids grow up in an environment in which the adults in their lives take part in gang activity.

These are men that these kids look up to. They see the fear their role models strike in others and the heavy focus on respect that they hold so close and they want to be exactly like them.

As a result of this, these kids want to be in gangs, and essay on gang violence want to participate in these crimes because in some cases it is all they know. Violence is a huge part of gangs in general. All gang members are forced to participate in violence at one point or another after he is inducted into the gang.

Many gangs have even been accused of killing their own member as a result of their desire to leave the gang lifestyle. This combination of youth and violence is horrible for any society. In other words, the more youth members a gang has, the less likely they are to stop their criminal activity. This points towards the truth that youth are easily influenced and manipulated into acting towards the desires of their gang leaders. Simply put, the older these gang members are the less likely they are to participate in the lifestyle.

Gang activity, according to various studies, is similar in their functioning regardless of their geographic location. This is evidence that points towards the idea that Chinese and American societies may be comparable in terms of the respective countries youth and their exposure to gangs, essay on gang violence.

This is important, as China has not been able to match the amount of data that the United States has collected on the issue and is also struggling with the issue of gang violence. Also, being a member of a gang puts a person at risk for dangerous every-day situations such as an altercation with a rival gang member. Gang members often identify themselves from things such as hand signs to the clothes they wear, they are able to recognize members of other gangs.

With the constant influence of drugs and alcohol, this often creates a situation in which all of its participants will likely be even more aggressive than they would be sober. These gang members will risk their essay on gang violence in protection of their own egos as well as their pride and the respect and fear they demand from their peers as well as rival gang members. Violence in gangs has a essay on gang violence to do with images as well as pride. Gangs will take part in violent behavior in order to prove that they are better, or tougher, than another gang, essay on gang violence.

It provides them with essay on gang violence boost in status if they can prove themselves to be more ruthless in the treatment of others, essay on gang violence. This kind of dynamic is the reasoning behind the attention that gangs have received across the United States as well as the rest of the world. These gangs have created a reputation for themselves based essay on gang violence of violence alone. Even though gangs participate in all different kinds of criminal activity, the crimes that people seem most responsive to are those crimes of violent nature.

This barbaric behavior is a way for these gang members to feel important in comparison to their peers; it is competitive without a doubt. There has been an effort to prove, through studies, a connection between drug-use and violence among street gang members. Data has been collected, based mostly on information taken from the United States and Mexico.

According to Volkmann et al. In other words, the Drugs-Violence Nexus Theory is a theory that states that a connection between increased violence and drug use does indeed exist. Evidence does point towards the idea that this theory could be proven. Although most of the data on this issue has been collected in mainly the United States and Mexico, the relationship between drugs and gang violence has been analyzed in Brazil and throughout Latin American as well.

Researchers essay on gang violence also tested the theory that states that people who are more exposed to gangs and their violence would be essay on gang violence likely to be familiar with drugs. The evidence collected pointed heavily towards the truth of this theory.

The survey performed determined that, according to Volkmann et al. Based on the data collected in this survey, the evidence supports the truth behind the researchers hypothesis. This does indeed assist in solidifying the argument that gangs and drugs go hand-in-hand not only through distribution, but through usage as well. This is strong evidence that points towards the nothing-but-negative affect that gangs have on modern society across the globe.

This combination of drugs and violence creates a place for a young man to go and make money, while being a part of a group. There are many gang members who are struggling, and they join the gang in order to make money. The gang lifestyle makes the offer towards same day payment and provides a young man with a gun as well as a violent and aggressive attitude.

This young man may have a child that he needs to buy food and diapers for. Young men are the most prominent demographic in todays gangs because they are attracted to the lifestyle. These men take pride in what they do, not in the good way. When speaking specifically of youth gang involvement, one should note the extreme essay on gang violence that take place in these kids, which drastically changes their essay on gang violence, attitudes, as well as essay on gang violence routine behavior.

Kids change as a result of joining a gang. Therefore, the more time a person spends in a gang especially if they joined as a youththe more likely they are to stay in this gang while their attitude and behavior becomes more and more aggressive as well as criminal, essay on gang violence. One of the most important things to take note of when analyzing gang violence all over the world is the difference between a gang member and a non-gang member.

The difference is very drastic as well as obvious to most people. Gang members are always more aggressive and violent in comparison to normal every-day people. They also tend to commit a lot more crime. This points towards the idea that the gang itself is our societies problem. This collection of mostly young men into a group of people essay on gang violence occasionally even perform illegal acts simply for the pleasure which is extremely destructive to any modern society with hopes of functioning as a community.

Gangs are having a huge impact on the lives of many people across the globe. Differentiation of gangs based on neighborhoods such as certain places like Los Angeles and NYC. These gangs are having detrimental affects on many youth all over the planet.

The different levels of gangs combined with the drugs they deal and the violent crimes they take part in, creates an extremely negative environment for all those involved. Often, gang members end up in jail and for many of these young men; they have no other choice but to continue the gang lifestyle because they are unable to get legitimate employment.

It is truly a very serious issue, essay on gang violence, one of the more serious modern issues we face today.

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essay on gang violence

Jul 10,  · In Horton’s essay they had weekly meetings that informed the community on the crimes and ways of reducing the gang violence. My feelings are that youth groups do have an impact on a youths’ life and also that these weekly meetings don’t really have an impact on kids leaving the gang life alone Feb 11,  · Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Gang Violence — The Problem of Children’s Membership in Street Gangs This essay has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers Papers On Gang Violence Words | 3 Pages. Gang Violence Youth violence is a problem among young teens because it causes a division, which unfortunately result into gangs. Moreover in the past, gang violence results into youth crimes such as robbery, and drug sales. In this new generation, the youth resort in selling marijuana and heroin

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