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Midwifery essays

Midwifery essays

midwifery essays

Nov 03,  · Midwife's Tale," by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich and "Narrative in the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave," by Frederick Douglass. Specifically, it will show how these individuals lived in very different social and cultural worlds, including Ballad's private world and Douglass' very public world, but it will also show they had more in common than it might seem Psychosocial Aspects of Midwifery Essay Example The chosen scenario involves Mina (Mother-to-be), Carl (Mina’s Husband), Fay (Midwife) and Inez (Student Midwife). From the very beginning, it is obvious that Carl is a very supportive husband, which has a positive affect on Mina from what can be gathered by the writing of the blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Midwifery Essays. 4 essay samples found. Methodology Survey Sisterhood. CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY Introduction In this chapter, the methodology of this study is presented. This chapter also aims to justify the research design. The theoretical and practical concerns of using a population-based approach and the indirect sisterhood method in

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Psychosocial Aspects of Midwifery Care MW Practicing midwives in our healthcare system today need to have an understanding of political and social factors of their practice in order to provide optimum service for the women and families in their care. With the aid of a scenario true to real life practice, this essay will aim to: identify and analyse the psychosocial impact of the processes of childbirth upon women and their families; explore the social and political context of midwifery care; examine the changing role of women as a result of childbirth; discuss sociological explanations midwifery essays inequalities in health and how these affect health and the provision of maternity care; discuss the impact of medicalising childbearing; explore psychological processes of those involved maternity care; midwifery essays social interaction between individuals, interpersonal skills in midwifery practice and the implications, midwifery essays.

From the midwifery essays beginning, it is obvious that Midwifery essays is a very supportive husband, midwifery essays, which has a positive affect on Mina from what can be gathered by the writing of the scenario. According to FathersDirect. commidwifery essays, fathers often feel marginalised from he pregnancy, birth experience, midwifery essays, and many may feel unsure of their role in the new triad postpartum.

Though there is the argument of couvade syndrome, where partners of the pregnant woman experience symptoms of pregnancy themselves, such as food cravings, bloated abdomen, fatigue and morning sickness Brennan, Signifying a bond between them that goes beyond husband and wife.

This includes a reduced need for analgesia Raphael-Leff, How men react to impending fatherhood is determined by how they view the concept of gender identity Rodgers, There is a model that suggests that there are categories that each parent can fall in to regarding how they accept and behave towards childbearing and childbirth, midwifery essays.

This research does take in to consideration that not all will fit strictly in to either one midwifery essays or the other, midwifery essays, and that there are those groups in between who do not quite fit the criteria. The Regulator however expects the opposite; she wants the baby to adapt to her life and routine. For example, midwifery essays, some mothers may demand feed their baby, signifying they will adapt their time around the needs of their midwifery essays born.

In contrast, a Regulator will feed every hours to establish a routine, even if the baby shows signs of being hungry before the times slot. As mentioned above, the category that the male partner fits in is determined by his own concept of gender identity Rodgers, The western culture has liberated women, and allowed men to essentially cross the traditional gender lines Fischer, midwifery essays, J, in terms of their roles socially.

Men are now able to nurture without losing their masculinity; they have gained the freedom to choose their role in parenthood, midwifery essays. Participators explain the fathers to be the primary caregiver Raphael-Leff,while it is still rare; it is becoming more frequent in our modern western culture.

Then there are the Reciprocators, who employ behaviours from both extremes Raphael-Leff, midwifery essays, Pg 74 ; the partner is comfortable enough in his male identity to take on paternal and maternal aspects, and is the partner who is eager to be involved midwifery essays the pregnancy as much as possible Zeanah, Pg 28 — he is usually involved in antenatal classes and other preparatory activities with the woman.

He sees the pregnancy in a very positive light. As a couple, taking these models in to account, Mina and Carl fall in to the categories of Facilitators, and Carl himself is a Reciprocator. They have both built their lives around their unborn child. They have organised and gained control of every aspect of their lives; down to the activities they would midwifery essays have normally participated in if Mina were not pregnant, such as yoga, workshops and classes.

As the environment surrounding someone changes, an individual can either attribute their midwifery essays and failures to things that they have control over, or midwifery essays those external influences which are out of their control Locus of Control, Mina and Carl approach the change in their life in the first manner; they have made the changes in their life in order to have control over what happens with the pregnancy and how they affect the labour and birth.

He aimed to investigate in to how behaviours and attitudes affected the outcomes of their lives, midwifery essays. Those who have an internal locus of control believe that the outcomes are a midwifery essays of their own behaviours and attitudes Locus of Control, The opposite is when individuals believe that the outcomes are a result of influences that are out of their control, whether these influences be environmental factors or other individuals.

They have also prepared for the labour and birth through the production of a birth plan. This could explain that they understand the limit of their control, and are guiding the health professionals involved in the care as to how midwifery essays would control the labour and birth if they could, midwifery essays.

In addition to Mina being a Facilitator, she imagines her birth as an exhilarating event. Her main fear is that of being interfered with and thrown off course the course being her devised birth plan. The Facilitator wants to let nature take its course, as she trusts her body and its ability to get through labour.

Fay the midwife, however, midwifery essays, has a lack of faith, which is a complete contrast. Mina wants a natural birth, and under the category of a facilitator, is anxious she will become over managed by rules and external decisions, hence the preparation for labour and birth, and the use of a birth plan.

Mina greets pregnancy as a consolidation of her femininity and her identity as a woman. This is almost her way of consummating her womanhood; she sees labour as a private and intimate happening Raphael-Leff, A caesarean section would be the complete opposite with the midwife, student, obstetrician and the rest of the surgical team present at the birth of her child.

The birth of her baby would be more a like to a public viewing. If her fate, as Fay has decided it, were to be to have an emergency caesarean section, there will be more of a chance of Mina being psychologically disturbed by the midwifery essays. It has been suggested that hospitalisation and intervention during labour can have the effect of removing midwifery essays locus of control from the woman and placing in in the hands of the medical staff.

Thus, Mina is forced in to a passive dependent role to respond to the expectations and command of hospital staff rather than her own body Raphael-Leff, This care includes preventative measures, midwifery essays, the promotion of normal birth, the detection of complications in mother and child, the accessing of medical care or other appropriate assistance and the carrying out of emergency measures, midwifery essays.

Pregnancy, labour and the birth of a newborn are times of increased vulnerability. Fay has not identified to the couple or Inez, the student midwife, as to why she predicts a caesarean for Mina. Therefore, according to midwifery essays ICM definition, she is not promoting normal midwifery essays or giving the necessary support, care or advice the midwifery essays deserves, and that she is required to give as a midwife. Healthcare professionals are given the role of guides in the transition to motherhood, yet a large number of women remembered labour as an unpleasant experience Reed, midwifery essays, This statistic reflects the care that Mina is receiving from Fay with a lack of respect and understanding.

In an article in the British Journal of Midwifery written by Nicholls et al explored the establishment of perceptions of a good midwifery essays. Nicholls stated that a midwife is to provide individualised care and have good communication skills and instil trust in women. Fay has not expressed good communication skills by with holding information from Mina and Carl, midwifery essays, and also by not explaining to Inez her reasons for predicting the outcome.

She is very dismissive of the birth plan, which is usually utilised to fill a gap between the desires of the parents and the hospital procedures — it is not just for the benefit of the parents, midwifery essays. The realities can be noted, and the possibility of not all midwifery essays being able to be fulfilled explained by the midwife. This would demonstrate good communication skills, and being treated with respect, kindness and dignity.

Fay could perceive the couple as difficult clients; impatient and frustrated by the diligent planning they have done, which she could see as only making her job harder. Fay as a midwife is not making any attempt to acknowledge Mina as an individual. If midwives lose touch with their role, women become a production line or a succession of pregnant bodies Dykes, and show little acknowledgement of the private nature of the birthing experience, its emotional significance and disturbing feelings it can provoke.

The midwife must understand that the quality of the birth has a long lasting effect on the relationship of the mother and father to their baby and each other for years post delivery, and can affect how they are as parents. Perhaps as Mina is suggesting an active labour, Fay feels that this will make things more awkward for her; bending down to the pool to check Mina, auscultating the fetal heart rate with a sonic aid every 15 minutes, then every 5 minutes in the second stage of labour.

Inequalities in health care are always present, though it is said in the Black Report that those who are educated are recipients of better health outcomes. Due to the limited information about the couple, other suggestions regarding inequalities in maternity care cannot be made.

However, the assumption of class could be made; Carl and Mina have been to yoga, workshops and antenatal classes, midwifery essays, which could insinuate more middle class due to the cost midwifery essays availability of classes. This would, however, be an assumption. Now to turn to the issue in hand of student and mentor; in Midwives Magazinemidwifery essays, it was found that midwives do not use evidence-based practice enough to justify their practice, as student midwives are.

Students in the study in the magazine found that this difference in practice, and the lack of use of evidence to support it midwifery essays conflict between themselves and their mentors. Thus affecting the care that women received; it also resulted in subservient behaviour Jones, from the students themselves.

The implications of this are that Inez learns bad behaviour and practice — creating another midwife who does not respect her women as much as she should, midwifery essays, and not giving her the freedom of choice and the opportunity for a normal, midwifery essays birth Midwifery Changes to a woman include physical appearance, moods, sexuality, while her role midwifery essays a new quality.

In order for a woman to cope well with the stresses of her pregnancy and the impending birth, appropriate relationship of midwifery essays and support of the society are needed. Psychosocial support is needed; Carl provides physical and emotional support in the way of his presence antenatally and intrapartum, even as a physical leaning post for Mina through her contraction.

She also needs empathy from the social environment she is in Bjelica,which she would receive readily from Inez, if she, as a student, had not been disempowered by Fay. Overall, as a husband, Carl has provided the best support for Mina, and in return, he gets the satisfaction of making his wife happy; has a role in the labour process; and bonds with his unborn midwifery essays. Fay has lost the meaning of vital parts of her practice, including disempowering her student, who looks upon her for advice, support and will learn from Fay; whether her practice is commended or not.

References Bjelica, midwifery essays, A. Pregnancy as a psychological event, midwifery essays. Medicinski Pregled. Brennan, A A study of the Couvade syndrome in the male partners of pregnant women in the UK. Kingston: Kingston University. Care Quality Midwifery essays Maternity Services Survey London: Care Quality Commission.

Combs-Orme, T, midwifery essays. Fathers midwifery essays Their Infants: Caregiving and Affection in the Modern Family. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, midwifery essays. Deery, R. et al. Birth Centres. In: Tensions and Barriers in Improving Maternity Care: The Story of a Birth Centre. Milton Keynes: Radcliffe Publishing.

Dykes, midwifery essays, F Breastfeeding in Hospital: Mothers, Midwives, midwifery essays, And the Production Line, midwifery essays. A Midwifery Module for pre- registration training with special reference to young fathers. Family-Friendly Practice: Including Fathers. Gender role attitudes and characteristics of stay-at-home and employed fathers. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.

International Confederation of Midwives

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midwifery essays

Psychosocial Aspects of Midwifery Essay Example The chosen scenario involves Mina (Mother-to-be), Carl (Mina’s Husband), Fay (Midwife) and Inez (Student Midwife). From the very beginning, it is obvious that Carl is a very supportive husband, which has a positive affect on Mina from what can be gathered by the writing of the blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Nov 03,  · Midwife's Tale," by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich and "Narrative in the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave," by Frederick Douglass. Specifically, it will show how these individuals lived in very different social and cultural worlds, including Ballad's private world and Douglass' very public world, but it will also show they had more in common than it might seem An essay or paper on Midwifery in the 20th Century. MIDWIFERY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY: PEOPLE POLITICS, PAYMENT, PROFESSIONALISM, AND POLICY As women gave birth, they sought and received care from supportive others. At an unknown point in the cultural evolution, some experienced women became desig

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